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ObiiBot's amazingly affordable plans
tailor-made for small business

Chatbots for small business


Build your own chatbot

for 9 ( or USD 20cents) a day!



Ideal for Micro or Small Business


Get this at $0.2 /day
  • The lite plan is perfect if you are a micro or small scale business trying to set up a visitor engagement and lead generation channel on your website or application. Bots can converse with the visitors to collect and verify visitor data. This plan costs INR 9 a day. 



Ideal for Startups, Ecommerce Stores

$0.4/Day Best Seller

Get this at $0.4 /day
  • The pro plan is ideal if you are a product or service startup and want to set up customer engagement channels on your tech assets. Bots can be programmed to engage customers, up-sell, cross-sell and collect feedback. This plan costs  INR 19 a day. 



Ideal for Medium scale business


Get this at $1 /day
  • The enterprise plan is ideal for medium-scale businesses setting up 24 - 7 customer support channels or L1 /L2 after-sales support. Bots can be programmed to support customers, generate support tickets and provide task status on demand. This plan costs INR 49 a day. 

ObiiBot for Lead Generation from Website


Turn your website visitor into a Marketing-Qualified-Lead (MQL)

Obiibots can be relationship managers on your website. A chatbot built on Obiibot can engage a visitor on your website, provide information, build relationships, gather visitor intent and contact data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By having such relationship managers, your website visitors feel assured, and as a consequence, visitors bounce rate comes down and their dwell time goes up.

Furthermore, a chatbot can also dual-play the role of an assistant. As a proactive assistant, a chatbot can book appointments, upsell products and cross-sell services.

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Optimise your customer engagement

Customer engagement is one of the most crucial factors of any brand-building exercise . An engaged customer is a happy customer , and a happy customer buys more , promotes more and is loyal. Customer engagement acts as an emotional cord between a customer and a brand.

ObiiBot provides the perfect recipe for customer engagement . ObiiBot's bot studio lets you build interactive and intuitive customer engagement channels . ObiiBot is logic-driven, simple to use and requires no engineering skills.

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ObiiBot - Chatbot for Small Business
ObiiBot for Customer support


Build robust customer support

Customers value businesses that offer superior after-sales support . Therefore, having a dynamic and highly-available customer support channel is critical to the success of a business. But for Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) , setting up an entire customer support team and infrastructure is expensive .

Obiibot provides the ideal framework for customer support . ObiiBot provides inbuilt API portals to request service from your customer support applications and aligns this with its dynamic conversation flow , creating a seamless customer support experience .

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Obiibot's Engagement Metrics


has grown from strength to strength since its launch in 2019. Our early adopters have reaped benefits, and here are some stats for your keen eyes.

ObiiBot - Chatbot for Small Business


316,000+ Chats initiated

ObiiBot - Chatbot for Small Business


131,000+ Unique visitor engagements

ObiiBot - Chatbot for Small Business


Businesses from 16 countries onboard

ObiiBot - Chatbot for Small Business


21,000+ Visitior data collected.

Installation Steps

ObiiBot - Chatbot for Small Business

Signup with us!

This is really easy - Signup with us. Once you sign up, you have free access to our full-featured bot studio for 30 days - no strings attached.

ObiiBot - Chatbot for Small Business

Script your Bot

Our bot studio is explicitly made for businesses with challenges in tech adoption. Our drag-and-drop script builder offers a super easy interface to build a conversation. Also, there is a template library to import conversations.

ObiiBot - Chatbot for Small Business

Inspect your Bot

Bot studio offers a preview window for you to substantiate the conversation script that the bot will make on your behalf. Make unlimited edits and finalise your script.

ObiiBot - Chatbot for Small Business


Once you have concluded your script building exercise, Bot studio hand you an 8-line Javascript code. To activate the bot, you must paste this code on your application and behold the magic!


Improved Customer Engagement with Chatbots for WooCommerce

Improved Customer Engagement with Chatbots for WooCommerce

WordPress is one of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) globally, especially among bloggers. However, WordPress has come a long way from just a blogging platform to becoming a website-building legend. WordPress powers slightly more than 40% of all websites worldwide, according to W3Techs, a digital technology research group. WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) that allows users to create, [...]

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Chatbots for MSMEs - Trend Setter Alert

Chatbots for MSMEs - Trend Setter Alert

The evolution of simpler technology has made Chatbots an integral part of businesses in recent times. However, if you think Chatbots are just a decade old or so, you need to turn the pages of history, and you will come across ELIZA, a program developed by Alan Turing and Joseph Weizenbaum in 1966. While chatbots can do many things, In this blog, we will touch [...]

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How Chatbots can improve Website Performance

How Chatbots can improve Website Performance

Chatbots optimise website performance by being a highly-available and highly-reliable customer-business conduit. Chatbots started gaining traction in early 2016 when Google bought API.ai and turned it into DialogFlow. Business Community realised that Chatbots could be leveraged and optimised to deliver much more than visitor engagement. Evolution of Websites as a means of sales and Marketing: Back in the early 2000s, websites used to be a [...]

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